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本公司專營易手日本製之 YAMAHA、KAWAI及各國名牌鋼琴。


購買鋼琴可獲贈: 首次調音服務,全新琴套及升降琴椅,搬運服務、防潮管及琴膽十年保用。


Our company specializes in selling Yamaha, Kawai and other famous pianos made in Japan.

Each piano is tested for tuning, regulation and voicing by a qualified technician.

When you purchase a piano, you will receive: the first tuning service, a new piano cover and chair, transportation service, moisture-proof tube and action maintenance for ten years.
(It must be tuned by our company regularly no less than twice a year.)


Used piano checklist


  1. 確定鋼琴出產地和年份

  2. 是否曾經被維修過?

  3. 每個琴鍵是否運作正常?

  4. 擊弦器組件排列是否整齊?

  5. 擊弦器是否有任何組件損壞?

  6. 琴弦是否鏽蝕、有否斷弦?

  7. 木材部分是否發霉?

  8. 鋼板有沒有裂痕?

  9. 鋼琴表面油漆是否經已開始剝落或有明顯花痕?

  10. 琴鎚是否線坑太深?

  11. 鋼琴有沒有出現裂縫和脫膠?

  12. 調音釘有沒有出現過鬆或過緊?

  13. 各腳踏是否運作正常?

  14. 音調是否正常?

  15. 有沒有異味?

If you want to know the status of your piano or plan to buy a second-hand piano, you can use this list to roughly estimate whether the piano is still worth it.


  1. Determine the origin and year of the piano

  2. Has it ever been repaired?

  3. Does each key work properly?

  4. Are the action components arranged neatly?

  5. Is there any component damage to the action?

  6. Is the string rusted or broken?

  7. Is the wood part moldy?

  8. Are there cracks in the steel plate?

  9. Has the paint on the piano surface started to peel or have obvious marks?

  10. Is the hammer too deep?

  11. Are there cracks and degummings on the piano?

  12. Is the tuning pin too loose or too tight?

  13. Are the pedals working properly?

  14. Is the pitch normal?

  15. Is there a smell?


If you are unsure of the origin and year of the piano, you can find it here.
If there are any problems with the piano, please contact us. We will try our best to answer your questions.



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